
QCW Pumping Source PH450-PH1800

Reliable laser pumping units that operate in quasi continous wave (QCW).

A cylindrical symmetry design allows rotation of the pumping chamber giving flexibility during the production and optimization of a laser system.

The pumping laser diode bars are mounted using our patented solder-free Clamping™ technology.

No mechanical stress Our patented solder-free technology is used in our diode bars stacks. Thanks to it clamped bars expand and contract freely during the thermal cicles of the pulsed regime avoiding mechanical stress.

QCW Pumping Source PH450-PH1800
Rod material Nd:YAG/YLFNd:YAG/YLF
Laser source
PH-450 PH-900 PH-1200 PH-1800
Peak power (W) 450 900 1200 1800
Current (A) 150 150 180 270
Voltage (V) 6 12 12 12
Pumped length (mm) 11 23 23 23
Optical parameters
Pump pulse duration (µs)
Repetition rate (Hz) Up to 1000
Rod diameter (mm) 2 to 4 2 to 4 2 to 4 2 to 4
Rod material
Rod material Nd:YAG/Nd:YLF
Nd concentration 0.3% to 1%
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🔴 Possible levels of integration for this product are marked in red
Level-of-Integration-Laser Pumping sources_Monocrom

🔴 Laser Bar Clamping™ Technology

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