
High Quality, Accurate and Robust Laser Systems

Monocrom manufactures high quality, accurate laser systems for use in Spectroscopy: low power, single frequency diode lasers, ideal for the most common Raman spectroscopy set-ups and high energy diode-pumped solid state lasers (HiEN-PULS) to step into all coherent Raman spectroscopy applications as well as remote Raman spectroscopy.

We offer different types of laser sources for spectrometers covering the range from 532 nm to NIR.

Monocrom is an OEM manufacturer. but also offering standard products in short lead time. We adapt to customers needs with a high degree of flexibility and versatility for their developments.



  • Raman Spectroscopy
  • LIBS Spectroscopy
  • Cavity ring-down Spectroscopy (CRDS)

Technical Specifications


narrow line width single or dual wavelength 532 nm / 1064 nm narrow linewidth (and tunable system) 680 nm – 1064 nm (depending on the trace gas) diode laser as well as diode-pumped SSL
532 nm / 785 nm / 1064 nm

single or dual wavelength 532 nm / 1064 nm
< 10 mJ to create a plasma Q-switched diode-pumped SSL

760-765 nm oxygen detection
< 1 W for microscopy application 767 nm K-Spectroscopy (D2)
high energy SSL for remote Raman spectroscopy 780 nm Rb-Spectroscopy (D2)
diode laser as well as diode-pumped SSL 795 nm Rb-Spectroscopy (D1)
852 nm CS-Spectroscopy (D2)
922 nm Sr-Spectroscopy
953 nm Yb-Spectroscopy
953 nm Water-Spectroscopy
Possible host materials:
Nd / Er / Tm / Ho / Yb